5 Reasons to Become an Egg Donor

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices.

Here at Manchester Donors, we understand that every egg donor is different. After all, we've supported women through the egg donation process for over 35 years. Egg donation is a deeply personal choice. As such, your reasons for donating may differ from someone else. If you're unsure about the egg donation process or if you have made the decision to donate your eggs, we're here to help. Discover 5 reasons to donate your eggs and make a more informed decision for your egg donation journey. 

What are 5 reasons to donate your eggs?

Egg donation is rewarding.

When we say you're giving someone the gift of life – we mean it! There are many reasons someone might need an egg donor as part of their fertility treatment. The NHS estimates that 1 in 7 heterosexual couples in the UK face issues with their fertility. Many of these people will require an egg donor for fertility treatments like In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF). These statistics don't even include single women who may want to have a child by themselves. Your donation gives others the chance to have the child they've been dreaming of and the joy of knowing you helped someone else who needed it. 

Egg donation doesn't affect your chances of having a baby. 

Studies have shown that your fertility will not be compromised if you become an egg donor, meaning that if you intend to get pregnant after donating, the process won't affect your chances. Women who donated eggs in the past have shown no adverse effect on their fertility following donation. 

You may know someone who has used donor eggs for treatment.

Even if you’re not donating your eggs as a known donor, knowing you helped someone in need is such a rewarding feeling. This can feel even more special when someone you know, such as a relative or a close friend, has undergone treatment using donor eggs. We’re sure every recipient appreciates the time and compassion our donors spend giving such a meaningful gift.

Egg donors are compensated £750 for their donations.

Egg donation is a truly wonderful and selfless act of kindness.  Our donors create lives and for egg donor recipients, this is priceless. However, to cover expenses that you may incur during egg donation, such as travel costs or childcare, donors receive £750 compensation.

You can donate more than once.

Egg donation is a charitable act that is very rewarding, so it's not unusual for our donors to want to donate their eggs more than once! When a donor expresses an interest in donating again, there are some further screening tests and consultations before we begin the donation process to make sure you’re ok to proceed. We're always overjoyed to have our donors return and the warm ongoing relationship we have with our current and former donors means they often do.

Egg donation is the most compassionate expression of kindness. For many donors, starting a family may not be an immediate concern; therefore, until they are ready to start a family, they may want someone else to enjoy a baby from their donation.

If you're interested in becoming an egg donor, apply online today. Or contact our team at 0161 300 2734 for more advice on the egg donation process. 


Get Started

Start your journey to become an egg donor. Give the gift of life today!

Or call us now on:

0161 300 2734