Egg Donor Success Stories: Join Us in 2018

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices.

Well done to all Manchester Donors egg donors!

You’ve helped create many happy families this year – we’re celebrating consistently strong pregnancy and birth rates across 2017 at Manchester Fertility for all our patients using donor eggs.

This has all been possible thanks to the generous women who choose to donate eggs to us, and the dedicated teams across our clinic who make it all happen.

From our egg donor co-ordinators to our consultants, counsellors and fertility nurses, it takes a lot of specialist expertise to give every woman who can’t conceive the greatest chance of a baby. And to make sure every egg donor receives the care she deserves.

Can you be an egg donor?

You could be the person to change someone’s life in 2018. Demand for donor eggs is higher than ever, not only because of improved, quicker diagnosis of fertility conditions such as Premature Menopause, but because of the rise of social, age-related infertility.

Whatever the reason for using donor eggs, we’re dedicated to ensuring no one facing infertility has to join a waiting list to have their baby.

Criteria for Manchester Donors egg donors

If you’d like to be an egg donor with us, criteria includes:

-       Being aged 18 to 35

-       Being a non-smoker

-       Having no serious genetic or hereditary conditions in your family history

-       Having a BMI in the normal range

It doesn’t matter if you’ve never had children or are already a mother. As long as you meet the basic criteria, you can apply to be an egg donor with us.

Compensation for egg donors

Egg donors receive £750 compensation for time and expenses during the donation process. If you need IVF yourself, you can decide to egg-share, and donate eggs as part of your IVF cycle. You’ll receive your IVF treatment at a subsidised rate instead of compensation.

Find out more about egg donation

Speak to the Manchester Donors team on 0161 300 2734 to find out more about our award-winning egg donor programme.

If you’d like to apply, complete our simple online application form and we’ll be in touch for a chat about the process.



Get Started

Start your journey to become an egg donor. Give the gift of life today!

Or call us now on:

0161 300 2734